Social Security - Program Provider
Call 1(888)216-5746
D & B Computer Services, founded in 2005, is dedicated to providing blind and legally blind computer users with the tools and skills to overcome the challenges of blindness and to enhance psychological stimulation through technology.
- Access Florida Assisted Service
- Justice Administrative Commission
- Social Security Administration Ticket To Work
- Department Of Children and Families
- Veterans Administration Low Vision Computing
D & B Computer Services offers training and technical assistance to organizations, foundations and public agencies. Our instructors and technicians all have in excess of 10 years experience.
D & B Computer Services believes that we play a vital role in society, giving our 55+ individuals the opportunity to become independent and active through the use of technology.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program supports career development for people with disabilities who want to work. Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 qualify.
The Ticket To Work Program Is Free and Voluntary. Ticket To Work helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence.
The Ticket program is a good fit for people who want to improve their earning potential and who are committed to preparing for long-term success in the workforce.
Ticket to Work offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to meaningful employment with the assistance of Ticket to Work employment service providers. If you are ready to go to work, there are people ready and waiting to help you!
Helping people who are beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to obtain the assistance and services needed for them to find, enter and retain employment. Our SSA Services are provided at no charge to beneficiaries.
If you are a Social Security Disability Beneficiary age 18 through 64 and want to improve your earning potential Call Belkis 305-945-1931 or 800-716-9411 for more information
Success Stories
…they offered to help me in my time of need. The book I wrote for God would not be published, if it wasn’t for D & B

After one meeting Belkis set up an interview for me with Comcast and the following week I was hired. She understands and is very patience and has a great customer service.

Belkis was so very polite and informative, she answered my questions about the program and now she is helping me to be even more prepared.

D & B helped me get a job fast and conveniently. She has changed my life in every way. Without her services I wouldn’t be working, I probably would of been miserable.

La Sra. Belkis Pimentel ha sido muy colabordora, y con su dedicación y profesionalismo me ha permitido llegar hasta el nivel en el que me encuentro ahora.

Belkis es una verdadera profesional y le recomiendo sus servicios a cualquier persona que quiera tener éxito en su reingreso al mercado de trabajo.